Browse our resources for people who have learning disabilities or are autistic. Use the filters to find the resources you need, from eye care to supported employment.
Many of our resources are available in easy read format - use the check box to see easy read resources only.
A toolkit for people with managers on supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology.
Supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology - for supporters
A toolkit for supporters on supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology.
Supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology - for people with learning disabilities
A toolkit for people with learning disabilities on supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology.
Supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology (easy read)
A toolkit for supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology.
This is an easy read document
Supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology
A framework for thinking about the practice of supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology
Screen use and your eyes (easy read)
How to take care of your eyes when using computers, tablets and phones.
This is an easy read document
Making eye tests easy
How to achieve a successful eye test by introducing some reasonable adjustments.
Benefits and employment (easy read)
Easy read guide on how employment can affect your benefits.
This is an easy read document
Creating an inclusive job description - employer factsheet
Creating a simple and clear inclusive job description will empower both your company and candidates to find the right fit.
Supported employment journey (easy read)
Easy read guide on how supported employment will help you to find work.
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Making documents accessible
A guide on how to create accessible documents in Microsoft Office.
Creating an inclusive selection process - employer factsheet
Advertising vacancies in the right way will broaden the pool of candidates and offer greater opportunities for people with the right skills, but who may not have the experience needed.
Inclusive communications and accessible information - employer factsheet
Inclusivity is about ensuring equity of access to opportunity and resources for people who may otherwise be excluded, such as people who have physical or mental difficulties, or who belong to other minority groups.
Identifying the vacancy - employer factsheet
Before advertising a vacancy, consider how the role should be described, positioned and advertised.
How to be eye care aware (easy read)
Eye care essentials for people with learning disabilities.
This is an easy read document
About your child and their eyes
You can use this form to tell any eye care professional about your child and their eyes.
This is an easy read document
Job interviews (easy read)
Easy read guide on what happens at job interviews.
This is an easy read document
Encouraging an inclusive working environment - employer factsheet
Having an agile and hybrid workplace will support an inclusive working environment.
Monocular Vision
This factsheet aims to give carers and supporters of people with learning disabilities a good understanding of monocular vision and the challenges it presents.
Common eye conditions
Eye conditions commonly found in children and young people with disabilities.
Transitions leaflet
Choosing the right support for life after school, college or the family home.
Juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease supportive positioning information
Postural support in the later stages of juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease – supportive positioning during sleep and when resting on the bed.
Juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease anxiety information
Supporting anxiety, panic attacks, hallucinations and night terrors in juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease.
Juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease epilepsy information
Medicines and supportive strategies for the management of epilepsy in the mid and later stages of juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease.
Juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease physiotherapy information
Information on physiotherapy for children and adults living with juvenile CLN3 (Batten) disease.
A parents’ guide to oral health and dental care
NHS England have also worked with SeeAbility, Contact and the National Deaf Children’s Society to produce a series of 3 guides for families.