Browse our resources for people who have learning disabilities or are autistic. Use the filters to find the resources you need, from eye care to supported employment.
Many of our resources are available in easy read format - use the check box to see easy read resources only.
NHS England have also worked with SeeAbility, Contact and the National Deaf Children’s Society to produce a series of 3 guides for families.
The results of your child’s eye test
The information in this form will help everyone to understand your child’s eye sight, eye health and their visual strengths and limitations.
Making your optometry practice accessible
Guide to help make your optometry practice more accessible for people with disabilities.
Wearing glasses children
A guide to wearing glasses for children with learning disabilities.
Understanding your eye test for Makaton users
A guide on what happens at an eye test for Makaton users.
LOCSU pathway (easy read)
Easy read fact sheet on how people with learning disabilities can get the right help for their eyes.
This is an easy read document
Consent to medical treatment for eye health
Factsheet explaining issues around consent to treatment.
Eye surgery support plan form
A form to fill in when planning your eye surgery.
This is an easy read document
Feedback from an eye clinic appointment form
Easy read form for feedback from an eye clinic appointment.
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How to use eye drops (easy read)
Easy read fact sheet on how to use eye drops.
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Wearing glasses children (easy read)
Easy read fact sheet on wearing glasses for children.
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Wearing glasses adults (easy read)
Easy read fact sheet on wearing glasses for adults.
This is an easy read document
Getting new glasses children (easy read)
Easy read fact sheet on getting new glasses for children.
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Getting new glasses adults (easy read)
Easy read fact sheet on getting new glasses for adults.
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If things go wrong (easy read)
What to do if things go wrong on your visit to the optician.
This is an easy read document