Our safeguarding policy (easy read)

Keeping people safe is called safeguarding.

The law says we must protect adults who are at risk of abuse and neglect.

Abuse is when someone does or says things that frighten you or cause you harm.

Neglect is when your care and support needs are not being met.

There are people who might be more at risk of abuse than others. They are:
- Older people

- People with physical or learning disabilities

- People with a mental health problem

- People with a long term illness

You can be abused by someone you know, someone working with you, or a stranger.

Abuse can happen anywhere. It could happen in your own home, or in a public place.

Physical abuse could be someone hitting, pushing or kicking you.

Or someone giving you the wrong medication, or medication you don't need.

Sexual abuse could be someone touching your body or private parts without your permission.

Financial or material abuse could be someone stealing from you.

Psychological abuse could be someone threatening you, calling you names, or just ignoring you.

Domestic abuse is when your partner or a member of your family abuses you.

Modern slavery is when you are forced to work by people who abuse you.

Discriminatory abuse could be someone bullying you because of your:
- Religion

- Disability

- Race

- Language

- Age

- Sexuality

Organisational abuse could be that the staff of organisations like care homes, hospitals and the police treat you badly.

Neglect could be that you are not given your medication or food.

Self-neglect is when someone does not take care of themselves properly.

If you or another adult is at risk of neglect or abuse, you should tell your local Regional Head of Operations.
Their contact details are below.

If you are in the South West of England you should contact Matthew Congdon.

Matthew's phone number is 07483 367534.
Matthew's email address is m.congdon@seeability.org.
If you are in the South East of England you should contact Raghbir Ram.

Raghbir's phone number is 07725 601962.
Raghbir's email address is r.ram@seeability.org.

If you are in Central England you should contact Katie Ashworth.

Katie's phone number is 07483 330547.
Katie's email address is k.ashworth@seeability.org.

If you are in Oxfordshire or Buckinghamshire you should contact Karolina Burman.

Karolina's phone number is 07719 050 956.
Karolina's email address is k.burman@seeability.org.

You can also contact our central support.

Our Head of Compliance & Safeguarding is Clayton Lister.

Clayton's phone number is 07484 904 729.
Clayton's email address is c.lister@seeability.org.

Our Executive Director of Operations is Brian Robinson.

Brian's phone number is 07720 088798.
Brian's email address is b.robinson@seeability.org.

If you want to speak to someone who does not work for SeeAbility, you can contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

CQC's phone number is 03000 616161.
CQC's website is www.cqc.org.uk.

Or you can call Safecall on 0800 915 1571.

You can also contact your social worker if you have a concern.
You can ask us for help contacting them.

When you tell us about abuse or neglect, we will listen calmly.

We will make sure you are safe.

We can not keep it a secret.

We will help you tell the social care team.

If a crime has happened, we can contact the police.

We will help you to make choices.

If we have done something wrong, we will do everything we can to put things right.

We will learn from what went wrong.

The social care team will listen to you and ask you what you want to happen.

They will make sure you are safe.

They will help you with any decisions.

They will make sure the abuse has been investigated.