Elizabeth Wagstaff

Vice President
Elizabeth Wagstaff

Elizabeth became a SeeAbility Vice President in 2012, having previously been Chairman from 2007, and a Trustee since 2005.

She trained as a nurse, health visitor and midwife, and was also the founder and former CEO of Robina Care, which she developed from a small enterprise into the largest independent specialist care group of its kind in the UK.

"Little did I know that when I joined SeeAbility as a Trustee it was going to become one of the most important and meaningful things in my life. The commitment and dedication of all the highly trained staff to ‘see beyond disability’ and empower people who have sight loss and other disabilities is something that I am very proud to have been associated with.

"During my time with SeeAbility I have seen lives empowered and enriched by the specialist knowledge and understanding of the SeeAbility Staff. We continue to grow and expand our services - most recently offering sight tests to children in special schools and training other professionals to support the work of this excellent charity. I look forward to continuing to support these and all the other initiatives in any way that I can."