Brian Robinson

Brian Robinson joined SeeAbility having worked in social care for over 25 years. He started off as a support worker and has gained experience by working in a variety of different organisations at various levels, including Registered Manager, Area Manager and Regional Managing Director.
Brian has overseen services for people with learning and physical disabilities, and autism. This has included supporting people to move away from traditional service styles such as registered care homes and ATUs to more community based support and individual service designs. Seeing people being in control of their lives and being truly part of their community is what Brian is truly passionate about.
As SeeAbility’s Executive Director of Operations, Brian’s position is incredibly varied. He is responsible for the operations team and ensuring they deliver great services for the people SeeAbility support. He is keen to look into how we can work more effectively together throughout SeeAbility to create real outcomes for the people we support and employ.
When Brian’s not in the office, he enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. He particularly loves mountaineering and has even climbed to Everest Base Camp!