Robert Mycroft

Behaviour consultant
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What is your role?

I work as a behaviour consultant. This means I try and translate what people are saying with their behaviour and give them the skills to have more control over their life. I support people to increase their quality of life.

What is your work history?

I have worked in social care for 29 years. During my 29 years I have had the privilege of knowing and working with some amazing people. I have always enjoyed it and find making a positive difference to people lives rewarding. 

What inspires you?

The challenges people overcome.

What's your favourite thing to do outside work?

Trying different foods, watching films based on actual events.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Live and learn is the best you can do. You cant change the past, you only affect your future.

What’s one thing about you that people would be surprised to learn?

I once took part in a 155 mile bike ride over two days with no training.